Sunday, September 23, 2018


September 2018 Education Panel media clip from DC this month : WeThePeopleVs.TheFiftyStates
With John Gentry at the helm .
Education panel on family court tyranny, Washington, D.C., 9-11-18 Organized by: John Gentry is co-host on Kirk's Law Corner and administrator of: WE THE PEOPLE v. THE FIFTY UNITED STATES

Tomorrow, for both of my cases before the Sup Ct of the U.S., determination will be made as to whether or not they will hear my cases and grant certiorari (reveiw). If you pray..., pray they do the right thing, or alternatively spend a few moments in hope, that they will do the right thing. Perhaps the positive energy will sway a majority vote.
Below are the questions I've presented to our highest court. If these cases are heard, the results can be a meaningful step toward reform and re institution of fair due process.
Case against bad actor judge:
1. Whether constitutionally guaranteed rights are usurped when they are not enforceable in either state courts or federal courts, under false cloak of sovereign and judicial immunity even when a plaintiff seeks only equitable relief.
Case against state & bad actor attorneys:
1. Whether a state’s sovereign immunity is vitiated when the state government is no longer republican in character or form.
2. Whether a citizen of a state has a right to effect reform of the state government through suit in federal court, when a state’s constitution expressly guarantees its citizens an unalienable and indefeasible right to reform the government in such manner as they may think proper and the imperative for reform is undeniable.
3. Whether attorneys are held above the law when state and federal courts wrongfully abrogate jurisdiction, and wrongfully deny fair due process, in cases alleging civil and criminal law and rights violations perpetrated by licensed attorneys.
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Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, 

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